05. Using user-supplied catalogs in DP0.3 (beginner)#
Contact authors: Christina Williams and Melissa Graham
Last verified to run: December 22, 2023
Targeted learning level: Beginner
This tutorial demonstrates a functionality of the Portal aspect for user-uploaded tables and their use in queries for DP0.3 (not available for DP0.2 yet).
This tutorial assumes the successful completion of the beginner-level DP0.3 Portal tutorials, and uses the Astronomy Data Query Language (ADQL), which is similar to SQL (Structured Query Language). For more information about the DP0.3 catalogs, tables, and columns, see the DP0-3-Data-Products-DPDD.
Step 1. Upload a user-supplied table of coordinates for use in cone searches#
1.1. Log into the Rubin Science Platform at data.lsst.cloud and select the Portal aspect. At upper right, next to “TAP Services” choose to “Show”, and then select “LSST DP0.3 SSO” from the drop-down menu next to “Select TAP Service” at the top left. The default settings for the Tables can be left for the menus listed to the right of “LSST DP0.3 SSO Tables”.
1.2 In the “Enter Constraints” box, in the “Spatial” section, click on the multi-object button. A window will pop up to allow the upload of a text file containing ra and dec coordinates for sources of interest. The format of this catalog must be one of those listed (IPAC, CSV, TSV, VOTABLE, or FITS table format). For this example, the file is an ascii catalog with columns of RA and Dec in tab separated format (TSV). Other columns can also be present in the file, but note that the header names and columns must not have multiple spaces or tabs between them. The uploader is agnostic about header labels, because you can choose which columns to use later (i.e. ra and dec do not necessarily have to be labeled as such), but remove any pound sign (#) from the header before uploading. Click the browse button to find the file on your machine and click the upload button.
Link to catalog for user upload.
1.3 After uploading, the window will show a list of the columns it found, named according to the header. Make sure that the ra and dec columns in the file are labeled “ra” and “dec” and are displayed in the list. Then click the “Load Table” button.
1.4 If the table loaded the ra and dec correctly, the table filename should be displayed next to “Upload Table”, and listed next to “Position Columns” should show “ra, dec (from the uploaded table)”.

A screenshot of the search query if the user-supplied catalog has uploaded and identified the correct columns for search.
1.5 Still under the “spatial” constraint inputs but below where the table was uploaded, next to “position columns”, the user must indicate which of the DP0.3 catalog columns to use for the spatial matching (i.e. from among the header names listed to the right below “output column selection and constraints”. If the header names are recognized as ra and dec then they may auto-populate into the “Lon Column” and “Lat Column” boxes. If they do not (e.g. the header uses different labels than ra/dec), then click the arrow next to “position columns” and enter “ra” into the “Lon column” and “dec” into the “Lat column”. Leave the search radius at the default of 10 arcseconds.
1.6 For a first look, ignore the “Temporal” constraint and make sure the box is unchecked, and click the “Search” button. This search will return whether any moving object was ever detected within a search radius of 10 arcseconds of these locations in the uploaded table. (Note: leaving the “Row Limit” set to 50000 during the search will prevent the search from taking too long. This example returns fewer than the row limit.)

A screenshot of the search query result. The multiple observations of 3 solar system objects from the user-uploaded table can be seen as the clustered points.
1.7 Now, hit the back button and return to the search query page. For a second example, now also set a “Temporal” constraint for the search by clicking the box (leaving the Spatial box also checked). This example demonstrates how to know if there were moving objects identified in the survey at these coordinates on a specific night (for this example, pick a day for which it is known that this is the case from the mjd column of the user-supplied catalog). Click the Temporal box and make sure the “temporal column” box contains “midPointMjdTai” (referring again to the column in the DP0.3 DiaSource table to use for temporal matching). Click the MJD specification and enter an MJD range (start date 62000 and end date 63000, a range that we know our sample objects was observed in the catalog). The search returns an observation of 4 unique solar system objects, one of which is observed twice during the MJD range.
1.8 It can be useful to save the search for later. In this case it can be automated with search query commands that are output by the “populate and edit ADQL query” button. Repeat Step 1.7, but instead of hitting the “search” button, hit the “populate and edit ADQL” button on the bottom right. This will navigate to the “advanced ADQL interface” where the reproducible search code snippet to perform the search (e.g. in a notebook) is shown on the right. In the schema browser on the left, the user-supplied catalog is displayed as a searchable table under TAP_UPLOAD.

A screenshot of the “advanced ADQL interface” which shows the ADQL search corresponding to the one entered into the portal user interface, for future use with a TAP service.
Step 2. ADQL table join with user-uploaded list of SSObject IDs#
2.1 Return to the main portal user interface, and unclick the spatial and temporal boxes. Make sure the box labeled “Object ID search” is clicked. Clicking the down arrow then gives access to the upload button to supply a catalog containing IDs. Click the “add” button and navigate on your machine to the catalog of IDs to be used. Then click the “load table” button. To use this feature, the IDs listed must correspond to a Rubin table ID (in this case, the SSObjectId).
Link to catalog for user upload.
2.2 Back on the main user interface click the arrow next to “uploaded object id” where it says “unset”. This will lower the option to select which column to use as the ID. Click the magnifying glass near “ID” and in the window that pops open, select the “SSObjectId” header keyword from the table that was uploaded, and hit OK. The object ID box should now contain ssObjectId (or whatever header label is used for ID in the user suppled catalog).
2.3 Now go below to the “object ID (from table)” section and click the arrow to open the box that allows one to specify which type of ID in the catalog to the right to match on. The default Object ID type that is listed will be based on the DP0.3 table that is selected in the menu above (LSST DP0.3 SSO Tables), which is by default the DiaSourceId from the DiaSource Table. But this exercise will instead match on SSObjectId, which will retrieve information for specific solar system bodies identififed by their unique identifier. Click the magnifying glass to open a navigation window to choose which ID from the DP0.3 table to use, and select SSObjectId.

A screenshot of the portal user interface demonstrating the view after correctly uploading a table of IDs and identifying how to match to the DP0.3 catalog.
2.4 Hit the search button. Note: searching on IDs without a spatial constraint included can take several minutes since the database is parsed by celestial coordinates. This example searchs for 2 unique SSObjects from the user-supplied table, and the output looks as in the below screenshot. It will return the moving source observations for both sources over the 10yr survey lifetime. To view each object separately, go to the table column SSObjectID and click the downward arrow. This will pop up a window listing the unique SSObjectIds. Clicking the box next to an SSObjectId and clicking “filter” will plot the data for that single object.

A screenshot of the portal user interface after searching the 10 year catlaog for 2 unique solar system objects based on their SSObjectIDs.
2.5 Now use the ADQL interace to perform the join on SSObjectID between the uploaded table and the DP0.3 table. Start over at the main portal interface and click the upper right botton called “Edit ADQL”. It will navigate to a page to manually type in the ADQL query. Make sure the button is clicked that says “Insert fully-qualified column names (recommended for table joins)”. Click the “Add” button and navigate to the user-supplied catalog (Here, use the above catalog of IDs from earlier in Step 2). Once loaded, the catalog should appear in the schema browser on the left under the “TAP_UPLOAD” folder.
2.6 Add the uploaded table to the ADQL query build. Click the + box next to TAP_UPLOAD in the browser schema, and click the “upload_table” folder. It should populate the ADQL code to search the catalog that was uploaded to the right (clicking search now will just return the list of IDs contained in the catalog). Then, type in the following query to search the DP0.3 catalogs for objects that match ssObjectIds, using a JOIN:
SELECT tab.ssObjectId_user, sso.ssObjectId, sso.numObs
FROM TAP_UPLOAD.upload_table as tab
JOIN dp03_catalogs_10yr.SSObject as sso
ON tab.ssObjectId_user = sso.ssObjectId

Step 3. Two-step search process using the “Loaded Table” option#
3.1 Back on the main query page, enter some example coordinates (e.g. 314.9407129, -31.5520653 from the first table we uploaded in Section 1) and search the 10yr DiaSource catalog in a 100 arcsec radius cone, to retrieve a list of SSObjectIds. Make sure the “Spatial” box is checked and the “Temporal” box is unchecked. Do not delete the search results (they will stay active), but go back to the main query UI page by clicking the “RSP TAP Search” button in the top left.
3.2 Then, go down to the Object ID Search section of the UI, and click the box to the left of Object ID Search, and click the arrow to expand the search options below. Click the “Add…” button next to Upload Table. A new window will open to interface with loaded tables. Click the “Loaded Tables” tab at the top of the pop-up where a list of “tables” that are stored from recent searches is displayed. These will have a title labeled as the TAP catalog that was searched above (in this case, the example in step 3.1 searched the DiaSource catalog). The return of the search query can be identified as the earlier search from 3.1, since it will have the same number of rows returned (in this example, 110 DiaSources were returned). Click the “Load Table” button.

A screenshot of how to use the “Loaded Tables” option to access the previous query result.
3.3 Click the magnifying glass next to the “Object ID” box to the right of where it says Uploaded Object ID under Upload Table. Select SSObjectId. Below, where it says “Object ID (from table)” (in this case referring to the DP0.3 table whose columns are listed on the right), click the magnifying glass and also select SSObjectId.
3.4 Now in the panel labeled LSST DP0.3 SSO Tables at the top of the page, select the 10yr SSSource table. The Output Column Selection and Constraints table should update to reflect the column headers of the SSSource table. The query will now search the SSSource table for all individual observations of objects which have these SSObjectIds from the query in 3.1.
3.5 Click the magnifying glass next to “Object ID” box, now to the right of where it says “Object ID (from table):”. Again select the SSObjectId, which is what the parameter that will be matched on, and hit the Search button. The query will return all SSSource observation entries for the list of 110 SSObjectIds. In this case, there are 19,077 individual observations of each of the 110 individual solar system bodies.

A screenshot the fully populated “Object ID Search” section of the UI.
Step 4. Exercises for the learner#
4.1 Generate your own user table: perform a spatial and temporal search of the DiaSource table to look for a sample of solar system bodies observed in a specific part of the sky at a specific time. Save the query result table as a tsv, and use it to search the SSSource table for all observations that exist, by matching on SSObjectId.
4.2 Pick a favorite solar system object (for example, the first asteroid in the user uploaded table from step 2) and create a table that includes both the DiaSource table contents, and the SSSource table contents for the one object (with procedure similar to section 3 above). Note that after the first search, it is possible to select one row and remove the others using the “filter” option after the query completes.