DP0.3 Data Products#

The Simulated Data Set#

Information about the simulated data set which is being used for DP0.3.

DP0.3 Data Products Definition Document (DPDD)#

Future data previews and Operations-era LSST data releases will produce images and catalogs that more closely resemble the plan laid out in the Data Products Definition Document (DPDD). Several of the future data products that are listed in the DPDD are not available for DP0 (e.g., columns in the planned moving object tables in Section 3.3.3 of the DPDD).

In the future, for real LSST survey data, the tables that DP0.3 is meant to emulate will be Prompt products that are updated nightly (DiaSource and SSObject) or products of the moving object pipeline that are updated daily (SSSource and MPCORB). However, for DP0.3 these data products are static, created as they would be after 1 year of LSST, and at the end of the 10-year survey.

The DP0.3 solar system simulation is completely distinct from the DESC DC2 simulated data set used for DP0.2. The two simulations use different observing strategy simulations, different object truth simulations, and cover different areas. There is no way to, for instance, see a DP0.3 simulated asteroid detection in a DESC DC2 simulated image.

Due to time constraints, DP0.3 does not contain u- or y-band detections. This decision was made in part because the majority of objects will have very low signal-to-noise ratio in u and y, and object discoverability is driven by the gri bands. Also, a subset of DP0.3 columns are unpopulated at present.

Schema browser#

A schema browser for the four DP0.3 solar system tables (DiaSource, SSSource, SSObject, MPCORB) is available. Note that the 1-year and 10-year versions of each DP0.3 table have the same schema in the sense that all column names and descriptions are identical for the 1-year and 10-year versions.

The RSP Portal aspect includes lists of column names and their descriptions for DP0.3 tables, and so can also be used as a schema browser.


Catalog data available for DP0.3.#

TAP Name



Astrometric and photometric measurements for solar system objects detected in difference images (19 columns).


Single-epoch solar system source information corresponding to a specific difference image detection (29 columns).


Table of linked solar system objects (groupings of difference image detections; 55 columns).


MPC-style information for injected solar system objects (27 columns).

DiaSource: This table is the first to be generated in real time, as it is updated during the night by the Prompt Processing pipeline. In the future, with real data, the DiaSource table will contain measurements for all sources detected with a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 5 in a difference image. For DP0.3, the DiaSource table only contains the simulated detections of moving objects (no static-sky time-domain objects, and no artifacts).

SSSource: This table contains the 2-d (sky) coordinates and 3-d distances and velocities for every SSObject at the time of every LSST observation of that SSObject. The SSSource and DiaSource tables are 1:1, as they each contain data per observation, whereas SSObject and MPCORB contain data per object.

SSObject: During Rubin Operations, Prompt Processing will occur during the night, detecting sources in difference images (DiaSources) and associating them into static-sky transients and variables (DiaObjects, not included in DP0.3). The Solar System Processing which occurs in the daytime links together the DiaSources for moving objects into SSObjects, and measures properties such as phase curve fits and absolute magnitudes, which are stored in the SSObject table.

MPCORB: During Rubin Operations, Solar System Processing will occur in the daytime, after a night of observing. It will link together the difference-image detections of moving objects and report discoveries to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), as well as compute derived properties (magnitudes, phase curve fits, coordinates in various systems). The MPC will calculate the orbital parameters and these results will be passed back to Rubin, and stored and made available to users as the MPCORB table (the other derived properties are stored in the other three tables described above).

Note that the 1-year and 10-year versions of each DP0.3 table have the same schema.

Table access and queries#

For information and advice about accessing and querying the DP0.3 tables, please see the table access and queries page.

The Solar System Processing (SSP) pipeline#

For more information about the pipelines and processing that will be used to create the tables listed above but with real data, please see the Solar System Processing pipeline page.

The HelioLinC3D Tracklet Linking and Orbit Fitting software package#

For more information about the software package that will be used for moving object tracklet linking and orbit fitting during operations, please see the HelioLinC3D Tracklet Linking and Orbit Fitting software package page.